Sunday, May 25, 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Helena, MT

For those of you that don't know, Nathan has accepted a residency in Helena, MT. We will be moving there this summer. The residency is at the Archie Bray Foundation. If you want to visit the website it is ( They provide studio space for nathan to work, and connections in the art world for him to begin his amazing carer. It is so exciting to have direction. Nathan is such a hard worker and a great artist that these next few years in MT are going to be remarkable for our family. I am excited to see were his art will take us and the MONEY it will bring.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

MAY 2008

I have been waiting for this month for two years. NATHAN GRATUATES. I am so proud of my Nathan, he has worked so hard to become the artist he is today.

This month is a busy one.
20th: Nathan's big show
23rd: Nathan's last day of school
24th: Linda comes into Town
26th-28th: Nathan's taking me to CapeCod with out Braxton
30th: Brent comes into town
31st: Nathan Graduates

I will do my best to keep you up on every thing. I am going to try harder to write in my blog more often. I actually have things to write about this month.