Friday, May 2, 2008

Helena, MT

For those of you that don't know, Nathan has accepted a residency in Helena, MT. We will be moving there this summer. The residency is at the Archie Bray Foundation. If you want to visit the website it is ( They provide studio space for nathan to work, and connections in the art world for him to begin his amazing carer. It is so exciting to have direction. Nathan is such a hard worker and a great artist that these next few years in MT are going to be remarkable for our family. I am excited to see were his art will take us and the MONEY it will bring.


summer c said...

Yay! Your going to cape cod with no children? I am officially totally jealous. What an awesome break that will be for you and some fun memories to make and have. I am so excited for you guys! Isn't it so wonderful to have direction and see the light?! WooHoo for the light:)

Arthur said...

Like the capitalized "MONEY." You guys have gone through alot to get this Break! I am excited and jealous and looking foword to what new creations will happen with this new artistic freedom. You have to be sure to tell me about montana and wht its like to live there. All I have ever heared about it is dads remeniscing of how beautifull it is and moms, about how ugly it is, and how its the "white supremecy" state, and that there is a big problem with meth in the school system. so tell me some good stuff about it!