Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Gifts

Braxton is in love with his PJ's (nammies). He refuses to take them off (ever). So we would like to thank Grandpa for the Pajamas, it will save us on doing laundry. As long as I have known Nathan he has always wanted a pair of PJ's with feet. It has taken eight years, but I have found them. In Las Vegas they make them for adults. It was a great find and Nathan Loves them. Braxton loves that they both have nammies.

Among other gifts Braxton received a Tickle me Elmo from his aunt Amanda. He dances with it and gives it hugs and kisses. When he is not playing with it he is playing with the train set Grandma gave him. Thank you both for all you do for him. He feels your love.

Nathan made me some jewelry out of clay, they are beautiful. I am so grateful for my family. Our home is filled with so much love. Nathan is an amazing artist but an even better father and husband. I love him so much and am grateful for the love he gives me.

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