Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Explanation of Braxton being cute

One day Braxton started to wear a pillow on his head and calling it his hat.

Braxton eating a snack in the kitchen. He loves to cheese it up for the camera.

One week ago it snowed about two feet in three days. We loved it, but Braxton had pneumonia and was only out in it for a few minutes before he started having a hard time breathing. This was the only picture we got.

I entered the kitchen to find that Braxton had emptied his toy bin, turned it upside down, and placed his stool on top of it. Climbing to the top he was able to reach the granola bars from the top of the fridge. I was amazed and horrified. His effective reach went from four feet to about six feet in a matter of minutes. He jumped down and exclaimed with a huge, satisfied grin, "I did it! I did it!"

Sunday morning shave. Braxton really hated it.

Braxton loves me to do his hair but he would not let me take a picture. I promised that he could watch a video if he would just look at me and this was the face he gave me. He is such a ham.

1 comment:

Arthur said...

When I see pictures of you guys it reminds me of such a wonderful world we are missing in you guys. of course I dont let you know how much I enjoy your happiness and family. You all are mucho fun!!! It goes with out saying the Pictures are Great! Thankyou for sharing'em.

P.S. sara sorry about never being home when you call! Im getting a cell soon for my new job so I will be more reachable.